
About June's exam

About June's exam

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[Το μήνυμα θα επαναληφθεί και στα Ελληνικά]

Dear students,

After a thorough research about the exam options, I came to a conclusion about the nature of the upcoming exam for Number Theory. The exam will have two parts:

  1. Written part.
  2. Oral part.

Unless you are legally excepted from written exams1, both parts are mandatory and you will have to pass each of them.

The written part will be comprised of an online questionnaire of multiple-choice questions, given through the course's Moodle website. For this reason it is important that you enroll, otherwise you will not be able to participate on this part. The questionnaire will be unique to each student, but of equivalent difficulty. I will make sure that those who do not have a reliable computer and/or a reliable internet connection will be able to participate. For this I will soon ask you to state whether you fall in this category or not. I am actively discussing with the Department about the technical details of our options on this. When choosing, keep in mind that your questionnaire will be composed of questions of the same pool in either case. During this part, you will be allowed to access your notes and/or books, however, you should not be receiving any help from third parties.

Last but not least, you must achieve a score of at least 50/100 on the written part in order to be eligible for the oral part.

For those who will be eligible for the oral part, I will schedule meetings, either online (via Zoom), or in person (in my office). If you are eligible for the oral part, I will ask you to state your preference (as well as your availability) and any options will be acceptable and treated equally.

Your final score will be computed by the rule: 0.2×(grade of written part) + 0.8×(grade of oral part).

In my opinion, this setting takes into consideration all of the below challenges that were presented to us from to the lockdown and the COVID-19 threat:

  1. The nature of the course.
  2. The integrity of the exam.
  3. The number of students.
  4. Not forcing students that are absent from Heraklion to travel just for the exam, as this may be both expensive and, health-wise, risky.
  5. Allowing students that lack the appropriate equipment and/or internet connection to participate.

I wish to all of you good luck with your exams!

 PS: Please look at the Department's announcement about the schedule and the rules of June's exam period.


1. Those who are legally excepted from written exams will participate only in the oral part and their final score will be the score that they achieve there. The list of the students that fall in this category has already been sent to me by the University. If you are unsure whether you fall in this category or not, please contact me.