Hello all,
I have uploaded the grades for the final exam. I plan on finishing grading the projects this weekend, so your final grades will be submitted next week. To pass the course, you need to have an average of 40/100 in the written exams. I cannot make exceptions to this rule.
-If for some reason, you need your grade registered sooner (e.g., to graduate) please contact me and I will prioritize grading your project, and send your grade to the secretary.
-If I have not uploaded your grade, you probably were not enrolled in the course or I missed your name. You will have to be a bit patient, as I am in quarantine and cannot go to my office until Wednesday.
-If you want to see your exam, I will be in my office on Thursday, 10am-3pm. If you cannot make it that day, send me an email and we can do it via skype, but it will have to be after the following Tuesday.
-Some of you already saw your programming exercise grade, and then it disappeared. This was my mistake. You will see your grade again (though it could be a bit different) after I have finished grading all the projects.