Dear students,
The final schedule of the oral part is online. The changes are marked with blue. I tried to minimize the changes to those who made such requests, however a few more were inevitably affected, so please check the schedule once again.
A few remarks about this part:
- I may ask you questions from every part of the course, except proofs and historical notes. That includes definitions, theorem statements, exercises etc.
- The duration of the exam will be 15 minutes and most of you will share that time with another student, as in the schedule.
- The grades will be announced after all of the exams are over, that is after Thursday. This means that I will not answer any question regarding grading earlier.
- If you are logged out of Zoom for any reason during the exam, log back in again immediately.
The Zoom details are attached at the bottom of the schedule, but I also include them here for your convenience:
Topic: Number Theory - Oral part
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 771 4510 6756
Passcode: 1qs2kJ
Good luck!